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Pop art packaging wins, but…

This product wins, not for the taste but for the packaging and the website. With founders like Mike and Vanessa, who both come from an art background and love of the pop art movement, it’s easy to understand why this popcorn stands out on shelf!

There are six flavor profiles offered by Pop Art: rosemary truffle, cheddar jalapeno, Hawaiian sea salt, dill pickle vegan ranch, pepper parmesan, and gingerbread holiday. We have a lot of dill fans, so we picked up a bag of the dill pickle vegan ranch from Amazon Prime for $5.49.

If you go to the Pop Art website, you can purchase a bag for $4.50, but shipping is $8.00—so Amazon has the better deal. Plus, this popcorn bag weighs 4.5 oz, and they charge what? $8.00. Holy cow! (Vegan Dill is out of stock on Amazon, but Jalapeno Cheddar is available, in case you want to try this product.)

While we love the packaging and the pop art theme, the popcorn itself leaves a little to be desired. First, the kernels of popcorn are very small. The taste is okay; there is a hint of dill at the end, but there’s not a taste explosion. For the ingredients, they’re not clean, which is unexpected because Pop Art does use good oils: avocado and olive. It’s a shame that ingredients like yeast extract are included.

Yeast extracts contain glutamates and they are used to enhance the flavor of processed foods. While the glutamates are naturally occurring, they act much like MSG.

So fun packaging, great website, a “we pop when you pop” charity campaign, and a product that’s certified Non-GMO, gluten free, kosher, and vegan, but the taste isn’t that great and some of the ingredients are questionable. Does a yes and a no equal a maybe? Maybe, but because we review the food quality, it must be an IMBHO-no.

We’re bummed… we really wanted to like this popcorn. We’re also bummed we couldn’t find a video to share. #DoubleBummed

If you try a different flavor profile and like it, let us know by leaving a comment at the bottom. Thanks! :)