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Eat more veggie goodness

I’ve been waiting for the nutrition and snack bar companies to come out with savory flavor profiles. I often wonder why everything always has to be so sweet. When I saw the ZENB Instagram ad for snack bars made from vegetables, I thought, finally! A company is finally doing something different!

These are the most interesting bars. Eating the Corn Stick, I could taste the freshness of corn in the summer. The Carrot stick was delightfully as delicious. I thought the Red Bell Pepper Stick was the most interesting, probably because it tasted exactly like a red bell pepper, but my mind couldn’t wrap around the delivery system. Yet . . . it was still tasty!

The last two flavor profiles, beet and pumpkin, were also both interesting. One of the tasters said, “I’m breathing and tasting beet” when she tasted the Beet Stick. For the Pumpkin stick, if you’re an avid squash eater, that’s exactly what you can expect here.

Eating the ZENB bars are like having a little summertime eating adventure, even when fresh vegetables are not in season. The labels are clean, they are certified organic, plant-based, gluten free, and non-GMO.

Though still not the savory snack bar I’m looking for, ZENB receives the highest of honors with an IMBHO-yes, and we can’t wait to see what this company does next.

While we couldn’t find how this brand started on their website, we did find it elsewhere. It’s actually a Japanese company that used crowd-funding for the development of this product. They use as much of the vegetable as possible, from the skin to the stems and seeds. They are environmentally conscious, and wanted to create a product that was sustainable.

You can’t go wrong with trying the ZENB snack bars. In fact, they offer a free trial pack of all the flavors (you only pay shipping). Click here!

Visit their website and find out how vegetables are rocking the world of snack bars, and be sure to tell them IMBHO sent you their way!

ZENB March 2019 article