What the heck is breadfruit?

Breadfruit chips.jpg

Say what? Like fruit that tastes like bread? Well, yes. That’s exactly what it is. Weird, right? We thought so, and since we like weird, we purchased some Breadfruit chips.

Before we get to the product, let’s quickly talk about breadfruit, which we learned about only a few short days ago. Breadfruit is in the same family as jackfruit. If you haven’t heard of jackfruit, we’ll be covering that in a future blog.

It’s popular throughout Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands, originating in New Guinea, the Maluku Islands and the Philippines. Ripe breadfruit can be eaten raw, but it has a short shelf life, so it’s commonly dried for long-term storage.

When cooked, breadfruit is said to be similar to fresh baked bread having a potato-like flavor. Therefore, it stands to reason that breadfruit would make a good chip.

Let’s find out!

We purchased three small bags of St. Mary’s Breadfruit chips from Amazon. They’re not what we would call cheap, but sometimes curiosity makes you spend more just to try something different.

Opening the bag of breadfruit chips, we got the instant smell of potatoes. But this is a fruit! So odd. And the first bite of the breadfruit chip called for another and another. So good. A bit denser than a regular potato chip, but an even better flavor with a less greasy feel.

For IMBHO, which is filled with potato chip lovers, it’s a big yes to St. Mary’s breadfruit chips. If you ever have the opportunity to try one, take it. Weird is good.

Our research shows a lot of health benefits from breadfruit due to its complex carbohydrates and high fiber content.

Visit these links for more information:

Dr. Mercola’s Food Facts

Natural Food Benefits

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