Rethink Regrained snack bars


We told you about the Regrained story a couple weeks ago. This company takes leftover grain from the beer brewing process to create upcycled snacks. The puffs we reviewed were terrific!

This made us excited to try the snack bars this company produces, so we ordered their sample pack of six bars, including Chocolate Coffee, Honey Cinnamon and Blueberry Sunflower.

We should have stopped with the puffs, because the snack bars were far less desirable. The flavor profiles were not good, with overpowering cinnamon, blueberry blues, and underwhelming coffee notes. Simply put, these bars need to be re-imagined.

Although these bars received an IMBHO-no from all testers, we still like the philosophy of this company and applaud their efforts when it comes to upcycling leftovers and supporting For the Planet with 1% of their profits.

If Regrained comes up with another product will we try it? Absolutely! We’re all about ingenuity and entrepreneurship, which this company definitely has.

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