The Lesser Evil company has been around for almost 20 years! According to their website, they’ve improved the quality of their snacks quite a bit since then. Their company focuses on four main areas of impact: innovation, sustainability, ingredients and transparency.

“At LesserEvil, we believe that just a few simple acts can contribute to something great. By sourcing clean ingredients, using better fats, and practicing sustainability, we’re able to make the tastiest snacks (and cookies) in the world. It’s our small way of making the world a little less evil.”

Our 4 1/2 ounce bag came from Thrive Market for $5.99. For higher-quality ingredients, the price isn’t too bad. Lesser Evil chose mindful ingredients to produce a pretty healthy cookie. Check out the sugar index: only 5 grams of sugar! These cookies also contain 2 grams of both fiber and protein, plus: calcium, iron and potassium. I’m impressed!

“We believe less is more. When you combine fewer, better ingredients, no grain, less sugar, and better fats, you let food shine. These cookies are about feeling the difference that simple, nutritious ingredients make.”

When I opened up the bag, I noticed the cookies looked good, and they smelled like any other chocolate chip cookie. The cookies were soft to bite into but were slightly grainy in texture; however, the flavor was surprisingly good! Now, I won’t lie to you and tell you that I’ve never had a better cookie, but these were pretty yummy, considering all the healthy ingredients they swapped in.

I wasn’t the only one who enjoyed these cookies; my four-year-old is pestering me for more as I write! I guess that makes this an IMBHO-yes!

Aside from cookies, Lesser Evil also makes popcorn, paleo puffs, power curls, veggie sticks, sun poppers and peanots. No, that’s not a typo. Peanots: a nut-free snack made from pea protein. Check their products out here!

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