Pukka Organic Latte.jpg

If you’re working to keep sugar out of your diet, if you stay away from dairy, and if you find yourself stressed out, you must try this product: Pukka organic latte cacao maca majesty.

Mix the powder with warm non-dairy milk and you’ll taste the layers of flavor from chocolate to cardamom and feel the silky texture on your tongue. There are no added sugars or sugar alternatives, so it’s not sweet, but it’s perfectly delicious just the way it is.

With only 2 grams of carbs and 1 gram of dietary fiber, this makes the perfect Keto “hot chocolate”.

If you live a plant-based dietary lifestyle, this is for you, too. It’s vegan, dairy free, soya free, gluten free, and certified organic.

This company is not just about the products, but living the Ayurveda lifestyle. Learn more about this in our Dietary Lifestyle section.

The mission of this company says it all. “Through the incredible power of plants, we inspire you to lead a more conscious life. We will strive every day to help create a Pukka planet benefiting people, plants and planet.” It’s spiritual and inspirational (watch the video… you’ll understand what we mean), and it’s definitely an IMBHO-yes.

If nothing more, be sure to visit Pukka’s website (here’s the link). There is so much more to the company that’s worth exploring, and their product line includes a myriad of teas, supplements and lattes.  

We purchased the latte drink mix at our local Whole Foods for $9.99. The price may seem high up front, but there are 25 serving in the 2.65 oz pouch. That’s less than 50 cents per cup. Good price.

What is Ashwagandha?

Ashwagandha, Withania somnifera, belongs to the solanaceae, or nightshade family – the same family as tomato and potato. Perhaps the most revealing family feature is its small red berry, which is not unlike a tiny cherry tomato. The small fruits are also the likely source of its other common name, ‘winter cherry’. (Find out more here: Pukka website)


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