
Clean food with just one or two ingredients—that’s what you can expect from Solely, the maker of organic fruit jerky. Each jerky strip is equal to one piece of fruit, the perfect grab-and-go healthy snack.

This company does not rely on preservatives, concentrates or added sugars. Transparency to them means no surprises for the consumers. We like that.

The founding principles of the company centered on helping kids in their community gain access to wholesome fruit and not fruit heavily laden with sugars and unnecessary ingredients. Instead, Solely relied on the purity of the fruit to provide all the nutritional benefits and taste.

We tried the mango and banana with cacao fruit jerky products. The mango was spectacular. It has the perfect chewy texture but wasn’t over dry, so it wasn’t difficult to chew. Knowing the sweetness came from the fruit and not added sugars made it even better.

The banana with cacao didn’t get the high praises of the mango. The fruit color did not appeal to us, and the banana didn’t come through as much as we hoped it would.

Regardless, Solely earns an IMBHO-yes based on two things: 1) its love for purity in the product and 2) its mango fruit jerky.

For more information on Solely, be sure to visit their website, and let them know IMBHO sent you their way.


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