
If you enjoy fruitcake, the Yes Bar is reminiscent of just that. If you avoid fruitcake like the plague, you’ll want to say no to the Yes bar. Case closed; it’s that simple.

Beyond whether you’re a fruitcake lover or hater, there are a lot of good qualities the Yes Bar delivers. These bars are vegan, paleo and gluten free. They contain no GMOs, no dairy or eggs, and no soy. Another claim made is they deliver half the sugar of an apple (9 grams total). Many of the ingredients are organic and the label reads clean—no mystery ingredients.

It appears to be a woman-owned business, with Founder Abigail sharing her story about creating a business out of the love for her family. IMBHO-yes to the story. Read more here.

There were some perplexing things on the website, though, that we thought we should point out:

  1. There are no negative reviews; rather, only five-star reviews show.

  2. Each of the six products has around 20 reviews.

  3. There are very few reviews from the last year. Most reviews are from 2015 to 2016.

This could mean one of two things. Either the website doesn’t get updated as often as it should or sales are slow. It’s anyone’s guess. But it means the negative comments are being excluded, which, IMBHO, is not a good business decision.

As we went back and forth with the testing group, comprising fruitcake eaters and non-eaters, there was no unanimous decision, therefore the Yes Bar doesn’t get a yes from IMBHO, but gets a Maybe. Seems fair. 

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What do you think of the Yes Bar. Do you agree or disagree with us? (Don’t worry. If you disagree, we won’t remove your comment. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.)


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