Keep it growing

We are well into August, which means the fall planting season is upon us.

If you are like me, you have already been thinking about what you would like to grow as the weather cools.  In fact, right now is a great time to start a second crop of cucumbers, okra, or squash.  The seeds germinate in record time and “grow like weeds”!

Granted, if you have raised beds, like I do, you are limited to space.  However, whenever a space opens up (plants quit producing or die out), plant in it again with a different veggie. 

There is a lot of growing season left in zone 6; a hard frost is not expected until late October. 

Our daughter, Robyn, has a philosophy she applies to every plant in her garden.  “If it does not grow, pull it up and plant something else in that spot.”

I guess I have the same philosophy.  I plant until it’s too cold to grow — sometimes with great success and sometimes smacked down with the cold weather.

Cool-Season Vegetables to Consider Growing

  • If you want to grow brassicas, like cauliflower or cabbage, then it’s a good idea to get them started indoors.

  • Kale can be direct sown mid-August for fall and early winter eating. 

  • If you have a way to cover your bed or space for some winter protection, you can also plant beets, carrots and turnips direct-sowing all of these.

  • Lettuce and spinach can be direct sown in mid-August and they will be producing by the second week of September.

We use one of our raised beds for root crops, adding 6-8 inches of straw over the plants. This allows us to harvest all winter long.  In fact, root crops are sweeter and probably more nutritious when the ground around them is cold. Even when our beds are covered, a sunny day warms the soil and gives the plants everything they need to keep producing.

When Thanksgiving rolls around in November, we’ll be ready with our home-grown sweet potatoes, carrots, onions, beets, turnips and whatever else we can fit into our fall garden beds.

Visit our Garden Gallery to see how things are growing.

“Creating your own urban farm is as simple as planting your flowerbeds with edibles.” — Unknown


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What do you do with spaghetti squash?


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