Eat what you grow

Sometimes simple food hits the spot, especially when it comes from your own garden.


There is nothing better than fresh, cool cucumbers and tomatoes.

The cucumbers we plant, when picked at the right stage, are long and slender with small seeds. They are perfect in texture and complement the acidic notes of the tomato.

We plant a variety of tomatoes, but this is our first year planting a hybrid seedless tomato. It is amazingly sweet and fleshy, with the flavor of a grape tomato but much larger in size.

As we polish off the cucumbers and tomatoes, we move on to the zucchini and onion.

Our onions are drying in the shade of a tree right now, so it’s a quick grab when we want to cook with them. The zucchini is perfect with lots of flesh and small seeds. Very tender.

We like to use avocado oil for cooking because of its health benefits and then we added some Duck Salt for seasoning.

The heat of summer mixed with garden produce… this is the perfect time of the year.

Visit our Garden Gallery to see how things are growing.

“One of the most delightful things about a garden is the anticipation it provides.” W.E. Johns, English First World War pilot and writer of adventure stories


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