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Organic, plant-based truffles deliver

Super dark, super creamy, and intensely satisfying. Alter Eco has delivered again on their enlightened indulgence promise. This is the second time IMBHO has profiled this brand, but seriously, folks. These products deliver.

Our first interaction with Alter Eco was for their dark chocolate bar with burnt caramel crunchy pieces. You can find it here. That was a 70% cocoa bar. This time, we went even darker with 80% cocoa in these truffles--no added flavors, just dark chocolate at its finest.

As I’ve tried various products for this blog, from muffins to cookies to snacks, I often find the chocolate flavor profile is missing something. Now I know what it’s missing…this! When you have good chocolate balanced with the right amount of sweetness, you get perfection, as with these truffles. The other products that are lackluster in chocolate flavor attempt to make it right by adding in extra sweetness, and that is where it goes wrong. Increase the cocoa and decrease the sweetener, and you’ll find a more satisfying chocolate treat, IMBHO.

What’s really nice when it’s the perfect amount of chocolate and sweetness is the ability to satiate immediately without the need to go back for more. At 3 grams of carbs per truffle, this works perfectly, because one is all I need.

I like to freeze truffles and eat them cold because I can make them last longer, so since I’ve already indulged today, that’s exactly where these babies are going. And the next time I need a hit of chocolate, you can bet I’ll be heading to the freezer compartment in my fridge. 

Be sure to visit the Alter Eco website, follow them on twitter and Facebook, and for goodness sake, purchase their products. You won’t be disappointed.

Be sure to tell them IMBHO sent you their way!