Charlotte's Web CBD gummies

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Don’t let Charlotte trap you in her web, at least when it comes to the gummies. Disgusting doesn’t do them justice.

We received a sample of these gummies with our last Thrive order. (If you have never ordered from Thrive, you should check it out here.)

We’re always grateful to get samples, even when they’re bad.

The problem wasn’t with how they made us feel. We had the sleep gummies and we slept well, but the flavor of the gummies was beyond awful.

Have you ever eaten food that was just cooked or browned with a propane torch and you could taste the fuel? That’s what you get with these gummies. Bleh!

We read up a little on using a propane torch in cooking and found if the flame on the torch is not adjusted correctly or it is set too high and has a yellow tip, it actually throws some of the fuel on the food. What? We didn’t know this, but we could certainly taste it with these gummies.

Don’t get us wrong, we’re not saying these gummies are torched, but the flavor they give off is reminiscent of being torched—in a bad way.

Looking at the company’s website, they do have third-party testing and they use full-spectrum cannabinoids. These are positives. But if you’re ingesting a product, flavor is important, and on that basis alone, it’s an IMBHO-no!

Sorry, Charlotte. We simply can’t be friends. :(

To find out more about Charlotte’s Web (proceed with caution), click here.

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Is there a CBD brand of gummies you love and trust? Let us know in the comment section below.


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