Everyone seems to gravitate toward functional ingredients and functional foods with one goal in mind—eat a bit healthier. At IMBHO, we aren’t any different. When we found Deux’s functional cookie dough, we were mesmerized by the possibility that we could splurge without guilt.

Deux expresses their product as a raw cookie dough you can eat straight from the jar or bake—your choice. It includes ingredients that say healthy including flaxseed, oats, almond butter and coconut sugar. Then the enhanced functional ingredients are added like zinc and elderberry.

What could possibly be better than eating cookie dough (or baked cookies) that are not only healthy, but free from GMOs and gluten?

When something appears too good to be true, it often is—as is the case with Deux. There were unpleasantries of each cookie dough flavor we tried (raw)—nuances of ingredients that didn’t meld well together. Our guess is the coconut sugar was most off putting, since none of us here like coconut sugar. And to be fair, if you do like coconut sugar, you may like the taste.

When we baked the cookies, the flavor was better—the heat perhaps settled the flavors together a bit so one ingredient didn’t overwhelm another. And although the cookies browned nicely, they were still doughy in the middle.

We added the “just okay” notation from the baked cookies to the cost of purchasing, and we questioned Deux’s true value.

Each jar makes 12 cookies—for the low, low price of $15. That’s over one dollar per a not-so-great cookie. Therefore, a so-so flavor plus maximum price equates to an IMBHO-no.

We applaud what Deux has set out to do—creating fun snacks with functional ingredients; however, these cookies simply missed the mark. At the end of each product review, we always ask ourselves if we would purchase again. For Deux, it’s a resounding IMBHO-no!

“After all five Sharks go out on nutritious cookie dough company, Deux, Robert Herjavec comes back in because he's so impressed with entrepreneur Sabeena Ladha. He says he's not going to negotiate, but Sabeena counters a couple times, and as she decides she's okay with the original deal, Robert says it's off the table. From 'Shark Tank' season 13, episode 6. Watch 'Shark Tank' FRIDAYS 8/7c on ABC. Stream on Hulu.” (YouTube)

Editor’s note: We ordered three jars of Deux cookie doughs: Sugar & Spice, Birthday Cake, and Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip.

The Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip dough was recalled by the company—after we tasted it raw. Our taste test on this flavor profile was extremely unpleasant, burning our palates and our throats.

While the company indicated the product was non-toxic, they were not transparent about why the product was recalled other than to say it didn’t meet their standards. We were asked if we wanted a replacement and we politely declined—but the company did not refund our money. Smh…

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An almost win for Quinn

