Einkorn: Nature’s original wheat
If you have gluten intolerances, you must read this review.
I have a daughter who is negatively affected by gluten. We avoid it at all costs because the side effects are horrific. We committed to a gluten-free eating style, which isn’t always easy. Gluten is in everything!
Then we discovered Einkorn.
Einkorn is an ancient wheat (12,000 years ancient). It contains the same amount of gluten that modern-day wheat has; however, my daughter can eat Einkorn with no digestive disruptions. #TrueStory
IMBHO did a review on Jovial’s cassava spaghetti (gluten free). As we started looking further into the Jovial company, we learned about Einkorn. Even though it contains gluten, the proteins are smaller and easier to digest and it scores zero on the Gluten Index. Yes, ZERO!
How can this be possible? We’re not experts in this field by any means, but our take is this. Einkorn is pure. It is the original wheat. It is not hybridized or modified from its natural, original state. It is as nature intended.
If that doesn’t make you question the food we eat today and the growing number of people with food sensitivities, nothing will.
Here we have the original wheat, filled with gluten, yet someone with a gluten sensitivity can eat it with no health concerns. This is Twilight Zone stuff, but we’re not making it up. This speaks volumes to how our food today has been “modernized” to meet demand, while ignoring the potential long-term impacts of messing with Mother Nature.
(Note: Having gluten sensitivities is different than someone with celiac disease. My daughter does not have celiac; therefore, she’s able to eat this ancient wheat with gluten. Einkorn would not be recommended for someone with celiac.)
If you’re interested in nature’s original wheat, do your own research. The Jovial website has a lot of good information about Einkorn. There also are a lot of supporting sites that speak about the benefits of Einkorn.
This Beautiful Farm Life has a blog on Einkorn, sharing favorite recipes and a free ebook on tips of working with Einkorn Wheat.
Dr. Josh Axe touts how Einkorn is superior to whole wheat.
Real Food RN discusses the major health benefits of Einkorn and how it lowers the risk of eye disease, including macular degeneration.
Do your own research and take part in your own food trials. Jovial Einkorn flour is now available on grocery shelves, so it’s easier than ever to find. While we purchased our flour from the Jovial website, you can purchase it through Amazon, Dillons, Thrive Market, Vitacost, and many more places. If it’s not available in your local grocer, request it. Einkorn is life changing!
In fact, it’s so life changing in our household, we can now eat real pizza again—and we know it’s good for us! A big IMBHO-yes to Jovial Einkorn Flour for having such a positive impact on our lives!