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Hippie avocado crisps

When I saw these Hippie Snacks Avocado Crisps in my local market, I was drawn to them instantly. Priced at $4.99 for a 2.5oz bag, I thought they were priced a bit high for my taste, but that brand name -- Hippie Snacks – just sounded fun. Plus, I love avocados, so creamy with their butter-like consistency, and I love the freshness you get from a good guacamole. How could this taste test possibly go wrong?

When I opened the bag of crisps, I recognized a familiar scent. I couldn’t quite peg it until I took my first bite and onion was a pronounced flavor. Then I knew. The crisps smelled like those fried onions you put on top of a green bean casserole. Yep! That was it.

The rest of my experience in eating the first crisp went something like this. I like it. I don’t like it. I like it. I don’t like it. I couldn’t make up my mind.

I loved the texture. It mimicked the softness of an avocado, yet it was crunchy. I actually didn’t mind the onion. But there was just something in the flavor profile that was intensely harsh, and I thought it might be the vinegar, which was the fourth ingredient on the list.

I like vinegar, so typically this wouldn’t be a problem; however, I think it was so bold in this crisp, it overpowered a lot of the other flavors. Coconut milk was the second ingredient, yet I didn’t get any hint of sweetness at all. I did hit on the pumpkin seed and flax seed once or twice. And there is a kick at the end from the black and cayenne pepper.

As I still wasn’t sure, I decided to eat another crisp. Again, I waffled. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. My only option here was to give this Hippie Avocado Crisp an IMBHO-Maybe. I think there will be those who hate it and those who love it. I’m sitting here still unsure.

All in all, these crisps do have really good ingredients and a clean label. They are plant-based, gluten-free and non-GMO--all good things. Upon researching the company, I learned the brand name, Hippie Snacks, came from the fact that this company’s products were based on whole foods, and the name “celebrated that 1960’s movement of eating natural foods and keeping real whole foods in our diet.”

I also learned they have an office dog named Chili, and that’s where I turned the corner. They have a dog. His name is Chili. They must be nice people. I’m sold!

Thanks to my love of dogs and a dog named Chili, I’m going on the hunt for another Hippie Snacks product to review, so stay tuned.

In the meantime, visit the Hippie Snacks website to learn more about their products and their story. And tell them IMBHO sent you!

Dear Hippie Snacks:

I want to know more about Chili. How about a photo?


Biggest Dog Lover Ever