Launched on January 24, 2019, this is a remarkable idea… but it’s not a new idea. Well, perhaps it’s new in the world we live in now, but the premise is built around the milk man of the 50s and 60s. That’s right… the milk man!

Loop is working with major brands and major retailers (like Kroger and Walgreens) to provide products with zero waste. That means the products are packaged in reusable containers and delivered to your home. When you’re done with the product, you simply place your empty product package back in the Loop Tote and it gets picked up free from your home. The packaging is then sent to Loop where it is hygienically cleaned and replenished and used again.

The major question lands on the shoulders of consumers. Will consumers rally around this type of sustainable packaging, or will they shrug it off as a failed experiment? Time will tell, but we’re doing our part and signing up to be part of the Loop community because here at IMBHO, we think this is a terrific idea!

However… right now Loop is only available in the Northeast region of the US and Paris, France, but it continues to expand its territories. So we’re signing up even though it’s not available to us yet because we want to be part of making a difference.


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