Oat of this world or just crumb-y?

Let’s talk about BoBo’s Oat Snack Bites—

because calling these things “bites” feels a bit generous. Instead of "snack bites,"

I’d call them more like miniature oat pebbles—not small enough to fit a few in your pocket,

but just big enough to make you question why they qualify as a snack.

When I opened the box, I quickly realized that 'five bites' doesn't mean five hearty, satisfying snacks. It means five tiny, oat-filled pebbles. 

…They’re so small I questioned if I had purchased the sample size. One bite might be enough to satisfy a mouse, but certainly not me. 

I cracked open the box, eager to be greeted by the sweet scent of apple pie in the air, like on Thanksgiving.

Instead, I was met with... drum roll please…


That’s right, no smell. It was like the oatmeal version of a mime performance.

But then, after holding it an inch from my face, I detected faint notes of brown sugar and cinnamon. Which, I must admit, the smell immediately had me thinking of my favorite Pop-Tarts. 

One point shall be awarded for that nostalgic, sugar-packed (but not too much) moment! 

Okay, so I took a bite, and wow... 

Nope. Not a ‘good’ wow…

This is the point where

I need to give a public service announcement: Drink water. A lot of it.

These bites are dry. Like, ‘I need a gallon of water just to get through this dry. 

It’s like eating oatmeal and forgetting it was supposed to be cooked.

The apple puree in the middle is a valiant attempt to add moisture, but even that can’t save the bite from the extremely dry texture surrounding it. So, be prepared to chew until your jaw hurts. 

The flavor is actually decent. The apple puree is sweet and the cinnamon flavor is familiar… It's comforting. But think of it as an oatmeal cookie that skipped its first date with a glass of milk. 

At 140 calories per bite (for those of you with a 'just one bite' mentality), these are relatively low-calorie, plant-based, and come with the ingredients you'd find in your kitchen if you ever actually cooked. 


These bites have 13g of whole grains, no GMOs, are dairy-free, and are gluten-free. 

But, here’s the kicker—this tiny box of dry bites will set you back $4.99 (about a buck per bite).

Let me repeat that: $1 per bite!!!!!! 

At that price, I’m expecting something bigger than a ‘bite,’ like maybe a ‘snack-sized meal’ or a ‘mini-dessert.’ 

But nope. You’ll get exactly five mouthfuls, which seems a little steep for what feels like a snack you’ll need a chaser for. 

I am a bit concerned about the loads of sugar in one measly bite…

10g of sugar, people! That is an absolutely absurd amount for the size of this thing!

BoBo’s was established in 2003 by Beryl Stafford and her daughter, BoBo, who began crafting their very first oat bites in their Boulder, Colorado home kitchen.

They aim to craft snacks with pure, nutritious ingredients that support a healthy lifestyle.

Our wholesome snacks will warm the hearts of everyone, from picky-eating kiddos to the busy parent on-the-go. From soft-baked oat bars to the perfect pb&j, every BoBo’s is simple and delicious.
— BoBo's

In my brutally honest opinion though? 

I think I’ll pass on these next time.

As much as I love the idea of a plant-based, gluten-free, healthy snack, I don’t think I’ll sign up for another round of jaw exercises and the search for a drink after every bite. 

But if you’re looking for something that won't ruin your macros and don’t mind playing it dry and dense, BoBo’s Oat Snack Bites might be your thing.

If you're looking for something sweet and filling that won't leave you in a chewing-induced coma, maybe try something with more moisture and a bigger bite.

A granola bar and an apple might give you the same satisfaction with fewer chewing sessions.

I, however, am headed back in the direction of real apple pie. 

Hey, Bobo. It’s an IMBHO- no, but thank you.


LÄRA bar none.


Pip Pip Hooray!