Smart cookies for smart cookies
What does beauty and fashion have in common with cookies? Steve and Andy!
Take two entrepreneurs, add gluten-free, organic cooking, and blend with a little passion and you get Steve & Andy’s Organic cookies.
We tasted Steve & Andy’s Coconut Oatmeal, White Chocolate Chip and Ginger Snap cookies. Each one had a perfect blend of ingredients.
All of the cookies are certified non-GMO and gluten free. The Coconut Oatmeal cookies are vegan and the White Chocolate Chip are nut free. And the list goes on—there are many good things about these cookies. IMBHO-yes!
The Coconut Oatmeal Cookies are promised to be crisp & chewy, and they are. Imagine a really good oatmeal cookie with a hint of cinnamon and a kick of coconut at the end. Too good to be true? No, just too good to eat only one.
The White Chocolate Chip cookies indicate they are thin & crispy. Crispy, yes. Thin, no. However, the caramelized sweet milk vanilla flavor profile rings true. The texture is that of a pecan sandy—crumbly and good. The one knock to these cookies is the lack of white chocolate chips, but they still taste good.
The Ginger Snap cookies also promise to be thin and crispy. Again, not thin, but these cookies are extra crispy. These are our favorite—and the best ginger snap we’ve ever tasted—because they have bits of chewy, candied ginger in the cookies. They are a home run for ginger lovers!
Two other flavor profiles available include Chocolate Chip and Oatmeal Raisin. With all of the cookie varieties, Steve & Andy take pride is consumers reading the labels—they are committed to clean-label products and have nothing to hide. Even the product packaging is 100% recyclable, showing further commitment to doing things right.
One knock against Steve & Andy’s is their website; it needs help. We’re only saying this because the cookies are great, what the brand represents is terrific, and with a few website tweaks, the story would shine even more.
We purchased our cookies from Amazon. One box costs around $9.00, though there currently is a $1.00 off coupon associated with the cookies. You can also subscribe & save 10% off each order.