Bring back naked noods

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A few weeks ago we raved about Vite Ramen’s high-protein ramen noodles. This was when we tried the Naked Noods. Today we’re disappointed as we bring you the results of our Vegan White Miso Vite Ramen noodle soup taste and label test. #majorfail

Taste Test: The noodles are still perfect, but as we added in the seasoning packet of white powder, the noodles became inedible. The flavor packet didn’t fully dissolve, so there was a powdery feel, but even worse was the taste.

Our testers revolted. The flavor was pegged as “fermented fertilizer”. Beyond that there was a stench that many couldn’t overcome. We even drained the noodles and added some soy sauce to see if that helped, but the noodles ultimately landed in the disposal. What a waste! No one would eat them, and even soy sauce couldn’t cover up the off-putting taste or smell.

It was truly heartbreaking because we love the protein-rich ramen, but the flavor packet was inferior. Not only that, but we started looking at the ingredients of the flavor packet — too many to count!

Label Test: While we commend the Vite Ramen team for attempting to create a nutrient rich broth for the noodles, there are ingredients listed that add zero value in terms of nutrients. Additionally, there are ingredients listed that are controversial, like Monodosium Glutamate (MSG) and Silicon Dioxide.

Then there’s the Disodium Inosinate and Guanylate: Both are additives that, like MSG, enhance the flavor of umami. Enough is enough with the umami emphasis. #overwhelming #inedible

So there you have it. We will not be purchasing Vite Ramen again, unless they bring back the Naked Noods. #bringbacknakednoods

UPDATE: OCTOBER 18, 2020 —Naked Noods are BACK!! Yes… we purchased immediately. IMBHO-yes!

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