Cheese wrap food fun

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Folios Cheese Wraps is such a fun product. It’s literally a cheese tortilla with one ingredient…cheese. I purchased these at Costco for $8.49; the package included 10 cheese wraps. Each wrap is separated by a thin sheet of paper, so it’s easy to grab just one. They don’t stick together at all, as you see with some other natural cheese slices.

Who doesn’t love a good Parmesan crisp? With these cheese wraps, you can easily make a gargantuan cheese crisp in minutes. And if you’re patient enough to let your cheese crisp cool, it becomes such a chewy delight—cheese deliciousness.

When I visited the Lotito Foods website, I found they have Cheddar and Jarlsberg cheese wraps, too. I’ll be honest, I had to look up Jarlsberg, and I learned it’s similar to Swiss cheese. Interesting. Add that to my try-it list. Imagine taking a Jarlsberg cheese wrap and rolling up a little turkey, lettuce and mustard. Yum!

The Lotito Foods website also gives recipe ideas, from appetizers to snacks to desserts. What I’m missing on their website is their story. How did they come up with this product? That, to me, is what makes a good product even better. It helps you relate to the brand and love it even more.

So what’s your story, Lotito? We all want to know.

If you want more information on these cheese folios, visit the Lotito Foods website.


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