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Dragon fruit has to be one of the most unique and beautiful fruits on the planet, yet its beauty does not carry over into its taste.


Some say the flavor of dragon fruit is a cross between kiwi and pear, while others say its kiwi and watermelon. Perhaps I don’t have a palate that appreciates dragon fruit; I definitely don’t taste any of these flavors.

Dragon fruit doesn’t have a distinct taste, in fact, it doesn’t have much taste at all, IMBHO. I’ve tried fresh dragon fruit and was disappointed. I’ve now tried dried dragon fruit and am disappointed again. With the packaging saying, “Naturally Sweet”, I expected the sugars in the dragon fruit to concentrate during the drying process and provide a sweet treat. This did not occur and the dragon fruit chip remained absent from sweet and flavor.

It’s unfortunate that such a pretty fruit has so little taste, especially when you look at its health benefits.

According to Healthline, there are seven evidence-based benefits to eating dragon fruit.

  1. High in nutrients

  2. May help fight chronic disease because it is rich in antioxidants, as well as Vitamin C, Betalains (may have the ability to suppress cancer cells) and Carotenoids (linked to reducing the risk of cancer and heart disease)

  3. Loaded with fiber

  4. Promotes a healthy gut as it supports the growth of two healthy bacteria

  5. Strengthens the immune system

  6. May boost low iron levels

  7. Good source of magnesium

All this information creates a quandary. It’s a fruit that provides a lot of benefits, but it doesn’t pull through on taste. So I’ve come to the conclusion it’s best for dragon fruit to play a supporting role in a fruit or vegetable salad and bring in a vibrant pop of color and flare. It will never be the star when it comes to taste.

With that said, I’m giving dragon fruit (and these dragon fruit chips) and IMBHO-maybe.

IMBHO Contributor: Fran F.

Get Rachel Ray’s perspective on the dragon fruit… watch the video. She has a solution that would kick the flavor up a notch! LOL


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