Salad dressing packs are a brilliant idea! I don’t know about you, but bottles of salad dressing get used a couple times in my house and then sit in the fridge for unknown periods of time. After a while, I end up throwing them out because I have no idea how long they’ve been in there.

But single serve packages of salad dressing? Perfect solution! You can keep them in your pantry and use them as you wish without worrying about spoilage!

Chef Hak’s offers three different flavors of salad dressing on his website:

  • Organic Balsamic

  • Olive Oil and Lemon

  • Sesame Ginger

We ordered a 12 pack of Sesame Ginger for $9.99. True to its claim, it was a punch of flavor! However, I found that it was more a punch of vinegar than of ginger. The scent and the taste were overwhelmingly vinegar, leading me to an IMBHO-Maybe.

Chef Hak’s left his career as a financial advisor to follow his culinary heart. He started out as finalist on the first season of Fox’s reality show, MasterChef, and now you can find his products in over 10,000 stores across the country.

IMBHO reviewed Chef Hak’s barbeque sauce in June and gave it a YES! Check out the review here.

I love Chef Hak’s mission to keep his products organic and ethically sourced! I love the idea of salad dressing packs, and the price isn’t bad considering the convenience of the packaging. Perhaps I would enjoy one of his other flavor choices better.

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