My kids, husband and I all had a hard time keeping our hands out of this bag! In fact, I had to fight my kids back on this one!

YumEarth’s Giggles were delicious! They smelled nice and fruity, looked good and tasted great! If it weren’t for the more organic-looking colors and nutrition label, we wouldn’t be able to tell them apart from the original Skittles.

YumEarth uses organic ingredients and manufacturers their products in an allergy-friendly facility.

I was curious how the nutrition label compared to Skittles, so I’ve attached an original Skittle’s label that I got from

The serving size is different, but if you calculate the nutrition facts using the same serving size of 40g, Giggles still ends up with fewer calories, saturated fats, carbohydrates and sugars.

Plus, when you compare the ingredients, you don’t see all the artificial flavors and colors in Giggles that you will see in Skittles. Even though Giggles are high in sugar, you can feel a little better about the quality of ingredients that you are putting into your body.

We got our 5oz bag of Giggles from the Thrive Market for $4.59, but you can also find YumEarth products in Walmart, Dillons Stores and Walgreens. They are more expensive, as organic products typically are, but they don’t disappoint! Giggles still get IMBHO-yes!

YumEarth produces all kinds of other delicious looking treats as well! I wasn’t able to find any good YouTube videos to share; however, you can find YumEarth on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

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