Rainforest super nut from Imlak’esh Organics
It’s not really a nut, but a seed. Sacha Inchi is considered the “truffle of nuts” and the price is consistent with this premise. But the benefits derived from eating the seeds make paying the price worth it.
Sacha Inchi is considered a complete protein, which means it has nine essential amino acids is somewhat equal proportions. It is 30% higher in protein than many nuts and seeds and each ounce provides 4,771 mg of Omega-3. These seeds also contain omega 6 and 9, Vitamin E, Vitamin A and fiber. They are easily digested and allergen friendly.
There are a lot of studies of the Sacha Inchi and based on those studies it has been determined this little seed lowers LDL (bad cholesterol) and raises HDL (good) cholesterol.
The seeds contain tryptophan, which is essential in creating serotonin (the happy hormone). Because of the tryptophan, these seeds are known to regulate the appetite, alleviating cravings.
Additional benefits include lowering blood pressure and inflammation, controlling glucose levels, improving bone density, and even improving vision and maintaining eye health.
Grown in the rainforest climate of South America, the crop is well-known by the Peruvian population where they call it the “forest peanut”. The seeds come from a plant that grows more than 6’ high and has heart-shaped serrated leaves. It flowers in its fifth month of life and by the time it’s two years old, this plant often has up to a hundred dried fruits on it that result in 400 to 500 seeds. The exterior and interior of the pod are inedible, and the seeds are inedible until roasted.
The crunch and texture of these seeds is wonderful. They almost crack in your mouth and give way to a texture that is similar to a brazil nut. There is a bit of squeakiness to the chew. Many of our taste testers had a nutty or buttery experience with the seeds, while some of us found the seeds unveiled a distinctly fishy flavor. So goes the nuances of different palates.
Even though taste preferences differed when it came to the Sacha Inchi, the overwhelming response was positive because this little seed offers such great health benefits. So it’s an IMBHO-yes! for the forest peanut.
Imlak’esh Organics is the company and brand behind the Sacha Inchi we tried. This company says it’s a “sustainable, intentional company that specializes in the import and distribution of superfoods ethically sourced from small-scale organic farmers around the world.”