If we’re being honest here...
Neoh… oh, no!
Only 90 calories and 8 grams of protein. What could be wrong with this crossbar? Find out here.
Open sesame… a party favorite
Not only do these crackers stack up, but you can stack them up and they won’t fail to deliver.
Premium-crafted pistachios a family business
California pistachios high in quality and big on flavor.
Eat up the upcycled puffs
Turning food waste into food want…Regrained reimagines snacking.
Pulp chips or pulp fiction?
If you want bold flavors, these are for you. If you’re looking for crunch, you may want to pass.
looking for something specific?
beverages | breakfast food | CBD | cheese | dried fruit | frozen appetizers | frozen desserts | meat snacks |
nuts & seeds | prepared entrees | salty snacks | seasonings & sauces | supplements | sweet snacks
body butter | deodorant | facial products | hair care | home & garden | oral care
ancient grains | allergen friendly | certified B corp | dairy free | fair trade | gluten free | HFCS free | keto | kosher |
MSG free | non GMO | nut free | organic | paleo | plant based | protein | soy free | vegan | whole30