If we’re being honest here...
This South African beef jerky has just 7 simple ingredients that will knock your socks off, plus extra protein packed in!
Protein pancakes for breakfast
High-protein pancakes are a great way to start the day, but did these pancakes meet all expectations?
Good fish NOT good
Just when you thought it couldn’t get worse than feathers on chicken skin…
Kickstarter protein bar success
Protein bars often are void of good flavor, but this protein bar gives you unique flavors, amazing texture and 10 grams of protein per bar. #mezclamovement
Power Up proves unworthy
Unoriginal, bland and boring. PowerUp “GourmetNut” trail mix falls short.
Fiery mango trail mix
Sensational trail mix with a kick of Habanero at the end. Perfectly satisfying and perfectly priced.
Simply Lime…simply lame
These snacking superseeds have everything going for them, except flavor.
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